Monday, November 28, 2011

Things 'a second' is capable of showing!

Beauty lies in the eyes of a viewer...but what if the scenery doesnt even stay for 2 some of these best entries(in the embedded video below) to the 'One second film festival', showing a second may be the smallest unit of time for an ordinary individual, but is enough to a thousand words....

Seconds Of Beauty - 1st round compilation from The Beauty Of A Second.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Via Wikileaks- The major black money holders in Swiss banks

I got this image from a friend, enlisting few of the names that have an illegal account in swiss banks, funding crores of India's currency as black money. This may not be an 100% correct data, but I thought, if it has any truth, then it must be shared. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


A new material has been discovered, which has such a potential to revolutionize the semiconductor world. but also various other industries!
Read out the following article to learn about the 'new silicon'- Graphene
The story begins with two breakthroughs, both revealed in the last 10 days.
Researchers at IBM announced this month they’ve built the first integrated circuit made of something called graphene.
Graphene Chip
The wafer you’re looking at is as thin as humanly possible – exactly one atom layer thick. And yet it’s powerful enough to…
  • Make mobile phones work in places they can’t now
  • Make almost any electronic device run faster, with less electricity
  • Power devices that can see inside the human body without harmful X-rays.
You can’t do that with the stuff that’s made up integrated circuits for the last 40 years – silicon. Graphene is on its way to becoming “the new silicon.”
Also this month, researchers at Northern Illinois University made a parallel breakthrough, equally important: They hit on a way to manufacture graphene in high volumes.
Instead of previous methods – splitting graphite crystals with tape, or heating silicon carbide to high temperatures – the NIU scientists came up with something so simple your teenager could do it in the garage (although we wouldn’t advise it) – burning magnesium in dry ice.
“Up until now,” says professor Narayan Hosmane, “graphene has been synthesized by various methods utilizing hazardous chemicals and tedious techniques. This new method is simple, green and cost-effective.”
Graphene is derived from graphite – which itself is derived from the humble carbon atom. The two scientists at the University of Manchester who isolated graphene in 2004 won the Nobel Prize for physics in 2010.
“As a material, it is completely new,” declared the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences upon bestowing the prize. “As a conductor of electricity, it performs as well as copper. As a conductor of heat, it outperforms all other known materials.
“It is almost completely transparent, yet so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it.
“It is not only the thinnest material in the world,” adds The New York Times, “but also the strongest: a sheet of it stretched over a coffee cup could support the weight of a truck bearing down on a pencil point.”
So it will have uses other than electronics. Physicist Michio Kaku from City University of New York envisions more lightweight aircraft and stronger plastics, among other innovations.
Here’s the rub: “Good graphite is not that easy to find,” says our natural resource maven Byron King. “Graphite prices have more than doubled in recent years.” No graphite, no graphene.
On top of that, Byron continues, “China controls 80% of the global graphite market – just like China runs 97% of the world supply of rare earths.” And China’s reserves are dwindling.
So not only are we looking at “the new silicon” in terms of potential… we’re also looking at “the next rare earths” in terms of scarcity. And yes, just as with rare earths, the rush is on to find new sources outside China.
Many lie in developing countries run by dictators who’d love nothing more than to nationalize a big graphite find as soon as some company does the hard work of proving it up. But one of the largest is in North America – 8 million tons – controlled by a tiny firm Byron recently uncovered.
It can produce graphite for $400 a ton and sell it for $2,000. That’s $12.8 billion of potential for a company with a market cap of $58 million.
Byron guided his readers to rare earth gains of 93%… 147%… even 178%. If you missed out, don’t feel bad. Let him tell you about the “new silicon” firm with shares still under $1 each… at least for now. It’s all in this presentation.
Addison Wiggin
for The Daily Reckoning

Friday, July 15, 2011

Detect Hidden Camera In trial room For girls Fiber Optics

How to detect HIDDEN CAMERAS in TRIAL ROOMS ????

In front of the trial room, take yr mobile and make sure that your mobile can make calls.....

Then enter into the trial room, and make a call. If u can't make a call, there is a HIDDEN CAMERA....!!!!!
This is due to interference of fiber optic during signal transfer...

Plz share it with all girls to save them and even with boys to save their sisters/friends/lovers.....

Don't feel shame to share this MSG. It's our duty....

via- internet

Saturday, July 2, 2011

9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google+

Can Google+ steal users from Facebook? Yep. There are good reasons to switch from Facebook to Google+, ranging from ease-of-use to respect for data privacy.

When people ask “can Google+ beat Facebook?” they’re misstating the question. It’s not about one site versus another site. Google+ is bigger than that. The reason Google calls it the “Google+ Project” is that Google+ will become a central part of Google’s whole identity. It will reshape the company. So the real question is “can Google beat Facebook?” Put that way, the contest seems a lot more even.
Facebook, of course, has a huge head start, but there are good reasons for people to seriously consider dumping Facebook for Google+.


1. Integration with Google Services

The biggest wedge Google has for driving people toward using Google+ is integration. That is, Google will build Google+ social networking features and tools into almost all of its existing online services from Search to Documents to Video (YouTube). Google+ is already integrated into the navigation bar at the top right of almost all Google products; this lets you monitor all Google+ events (updates, messages, etc.) as well as share content with friends without ever leaving the Google service you happen to be using. Millions and millions of people use Google's free services (Gmail, Docs, Search, etc.), and with Google+ bound so tightly to them it may start to seem silly to jump out to some other site (Facebook) to do your social networking.


2. Better Friend Management

Google is right that the “Circles” concept is more in line with the way we make friends in real life. We have many different kinds of friends, and we interact with them and communicate with them in very different ways. Facebook’s Groups feature lets you form ad hoc groups of friends, but compared to the way its done in Google+ it seems cumbersome. After all, Facebook’s Groups feature is pretty new; it was “built on”, while friend "circles" are the bedrock of the Google+ platform.


3. Better Mobile App

If you're an Android user, you may find that getting content from your phone to your social platform is easier, cleaner more functional with the Google+ mobile app. The app is already great, but Google will seek more and more ways to make your Android phone a seemless appendage of your Google+ social platform. Google hopes to use its huge Android user base as a wedge against Facebook, whose mobile app, while nice-looking, is a little clunky to use.


4. Easier to Find Stuff to Share

Google+'s Sparks feature is another important differentiator from Facebook. Spark is Google leveraging its search engine to do something Facebook can’t do—give users an instant wellspring of relevant information to share with friends. Because Facebook has no search engine, its users must leave the site to find shareable data or wait for their friends the share it with them. The question "how do I find stuff to share" is immediately answered with Sparks.

Related Slideshow: Google+ vs. Facebook: See How They Compare


5. You Can Get Your Data Back

Facebook is notorious for its poor stewardship of personal data. You are forced to make certain parts of your personal data "public" for example, and It is very hard to permanently delete your Facebook profile. Google, on the other hand, makes it possible for you to pick up all the data you’ve banked at Google+ and walk away. This is done through a Google+ tool called “Data Liberation.” With just a few clicks you can download data from your Picasa Web Albums, Google profile, Google+ stream, Buzz and contacts.


6. Better Photo Tagging

When viewing photos in Google+ you can “tag” the people in them similar to the way you do in Facebook. You draw a little square around a person's face, then type in their name in the box below it (or choose one of the names Google+ guesses). But there’s a big difference in the way Google handles the privacy aspect of photo tagging. When you tag someone, you see this note: “Adding this tag will notify the person you have tagged. They will be able to view the photo and the related album.” Facebook, on the other hand, does not make an effort to warn people the they’ve been tagged (possibly in an unflattering or compromising photo) and give them an immediate chance to remove the tag.
Also, Google has wisely decided to shy away from using facial recognition software, which Facebook now uses to automatically identify people in photos uploaded to user albums.


7. Strong Group Chat Features

Google+ has Facebook beat in the area of chat. Forming ad hoc group video chats using the Hangouts feature in Google+ is easy, and forming ad hoc groups for a little chat seems like a natural and fun thing to do in a social networking setting. Similarly, the new Huddle mobile app makes it easy for mobile (Android) users to start up group text chats. Facebook simply doesn't offer these tools.


8. Safer Content Sharing

Privacy advocates have long called for social networking sites to let users assign a privacy level to each piece of content they share, instead of using a pre-set list privacy settings to govern all shares. Google obviously heard those calls, and built the capability into Google+. For instance, when I share an article or upload a camera image, Google+ gives me choices of which friend circles I’d like to share that content with. Advantage Google+.


9. Google Is a Better Steward of Your Personal Data

Running a social network is all about responsible stewardship of users' personal information. Facebook is a young, fast moving company that has proved itself to be cavalier in its movements, lacking in respect for user data privacy, and accident prone. Google on the other hand, is a far more mature company that is, I would argue, seen as more trustworthy than Facebook. For the most part, Google has lived up to its “Don’t Be Evil” slogan. Which company would you rather have as the steward of your personally identifiable information?

Courtesy- (Writer works for PC world magazine)

All about the brand new Google+

By Paul Suarez, PCWorld    

Google+ is awesome. Or -- at least -- I'm assuming it is. Although I've had an invitation to join Google's social networking experiment for several days, every time I attempt to check out the service I'm told "We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon."
google plus google+A somewhat closed Beta will certainly generate buzz, but it can also put off a few potential users. Not everyone will be willing to click the same link several times a day in hopes that they can soon be a part of Google's inner circle.
Apparently I'm not alone in my failed attempts to join Google+.
Several commenters on a CNET story about Google+ reported trouble getting into the service. That may be because the service's popularity led to a new user shutdown earlier in the week.
Google+ Project Lead Vic Gundotra announced on the website late Wednesday that the "invite mechanism" was shut down due to "insane demand."

The search giant isn't specifying what kind of numbers merit the title "insane." It did tell The Inquirer in a statement: "We are not sharing exact numbers on the size of the trial or who we invited. There will be enough testers involved to provide comprehensive, real-world data about how people use the product."
google plus google+Google has also been hard at work eliminating invite workarounds, including one that was reported earlier in the week by my PCWorld colleague Daniel Ionescu, that allow users to sneak their way into the service. (His doesn't work anymore, either.)
Those lucky enough to get into the service seem to be singing its praises.
Another colleague, Mark Sullivan, wrote nine reasons why people should switch from Facebook to Google+. Preston Gralla of Computerworld also endorses Google+ over Facebook after putting the new service through its paces.
Jeff Bunch, a digital strategist from the Portland, Oregon area, says "[It's a] great product after so many failures for Google with social." He says the user interface (at this point) is designed "mostly for techies" or power users instead of the average internet user.
Have you had any luck trying to getting into Google+? Have any thoughts on the service? Let us know what you think in the comment section.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google confirmed the existence of its YouTube Movies service earlier today and has just released more details on which studios and movies will provide the 3,000 titles in its repertoire. YouTube has partnered up with Universal, Sony Pictures and Warner Bros and others to offer full length feature films on Fox, which we mistakenly reported had joined the brood earlier, is noticeably absent.
From the YouTube blog:
“Today, we’re announcing another step in our goal to bring more of the video you love to YouTube: the addition of thousands of full-length feature films from major Hollywood studios available to rent in the US at In addition to the hundreds of free movies available on the site since 2009, you will be able to find and rent some of your favorite films.
From memorable hits and cult classics like Caddyshack, Goodfellas, Scarface, and Taxi Driver to blockbuster new releases like Inception, The King’s Speech, Little Fockers, The Green Hornet and Despicable Me. Movies are available to rent at industry standard pricing, and can be watched with your YouTube account on any computer. The new titles will begin appearing later today and over the coming weeks to, so keep checking back.”
Google also sent a helpful YouTube Movies FAQ,
Q. What are some of the new studios you’re partnering with?
A. Universal, Sony Pictures and Warner Brothers.
Q. How many films have you added and how many total movies are now available on YouTube?
A. We have added a total of approximately 3,000 new titles including catalog and new releases from Sony Pictures, Warner Bros, Universal, Lionsgate Films and many great independent studios. This brings the total number of movie titles available to rent on YouTube to over 6,000.
Q. Where and when will the additional movie titles begin appearing on YouTube?
A. Movies for rent will be available at and new titles will begin appearing to users today and be added throughout the week.
Q. Where are the new movies located and when will they be available on the site?
A. The new movies are located at and will start appearing at that destination throughout the day.
Q. How many total studios are now represented at and what are they?
A. Studio partners include Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures, Warner Brothers, Lionsgate Films, Starz, The Weinstein Company, and Magnolia Pictures, among others.
Q. How much will the movies for rent cost?
A. Movies are set at industry standard pricing (i.e. most new releases start at $3.99 and library start at $2.99).
Q. How long will a consumer have a movie once he or she has purchased it?
A. For most movies, viewers will have 30 days to begin watching their rental. Once they start watching the movie they will typically have 24 hours to finish.
Q. What transaction service are you using?
A. The service accepts all major credit cards.
Q. Will movies for rent be available at the same time as DVD releases?
A. It’s always up to the content owner, however, many movies will be available at the same time as DVD releases.
Q. Is this a subscription service?
A. No, this is a transaction offering.
Q. Are the movies downloaded, or streamed?
A. Streamed.
Q. Is this global?
A. No. This service is available to US YouTube users only.
Q. Do you need a YouTube account to purchase a movie for rent?
A. Yes.
Q. Will YouTube movies for rent be available on Google TV?
A. Yes, these will be available via the browser ( on Google TV.
Q. Can rented movies be shared or embedded into other sites including blogs, Facebook and Twitter?
A. Users can embed movies on other sites. If a user who has not rented the movie views the embedded video, the embedded player will show the movie’s trailer along with an overlay that users can click on to rent the full movie.
Q. Is the content in HD?
A. YouTube supports video in up to 4k resolution, however, it is up to our partners to specify what video quality they provide. Most movies for rent will be available in standard definition.
Q. What is unique about the YouTube Movie experience?
A. Movies on YouTube are about providing a complete movie experience. With YouTube Movie Extras movie fans can get more into their favorite films through cast interviews, clips, alternate movie endings and other highly produced content from talented YouTube partners. YouTube reaches one of the largest and most engaged online audiences in the world, with hundreds of millions of views a day in the US alone.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Apple releases iOS 4.3.3, reduces data location storage

Apple has pushed out its latest iOS 4.4.3 update for iPhone and iPad, bringing with it less location data storage and some additional bug fixes

Are Apple’s snooping days over? Not quite. But the latest iteration of iOS 4.3.3, which Apple has now released, does reduce the amount of location data your device stores.

‘Location-Gate’ hit just a under a week ago with allegations that Apple was essentially spying on its customers by secretly storing their location data on both their iPhones and iPads.

Steve Jobs insisted this wasn’t the case, claiming ‘we don’t track anyone.’ The actual reason Apple was using your location data was, as it happens, for your own good.

Here’s the official line:

‘The iPhone is not logging your location. Rather, it's maintaining a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers around your current location, some of which may be located more than one hundred miles away from your iPhone, to help your iPhone rapidly and accurately calculate its location when requested.’

Well, Apple’s iOS 4.3.3 makes some improvements to Apple’s location storing services. For starters the new update fixes a trio of bugs related to the database of location information on iOS devices.

But that’s not all, according to Pocket-Lint, the new update also ‘reduces the size of the cache, no longer backs the cache up to iTunes, and deletes the cache entirely when Location Services is turned off.’

Which is quite a turn around when you consider that previously the iPhone was storing up to a year’s worth of personal location data.

There’s no other notable features present in the update, which makes us think this is merely a gesture-update that’s designed to show that there’s nothing nefarious about Apple’s location data collecting policies.

Richard Goodwin

Monday, May 2, 2011

Facebook will be shutdown!!!

PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back after Facebook goes out of business.”
Zuckerberg said the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”
Those in the financial industry are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He said he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.
Copyright of weekly world news
Note: It’s all a joke!! Ha! Ha! I got you all!  Fake news anyway!!!    

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Girl who eats every 15 mins

An American girl, who suffers from a rare and undiagnosed syndrome that prevents her from putting on weight, has to eat every 15 minutes in order to stay alive. Lizzie Velasquez, 21, from Texas, who is a communications student, weighs just 25.4 kg and has almost zero per cent body fat, but is not anorexic. This, despite 60 small meals a day, consisting of between 5,000 and 8,000 calories daily. Velasquez had been born four weeks prematurely and doctors found there was minimal amniotic fluid protecting her in the womb. Genetic experts could not diagnose her illness, and her case fascinated doctors all over the world. Now she is part of a study run by Professor Abhimanyu Garg in Dallas. Garg believes Velasquez may have Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome which causes accelerated ageing, fat loss from the face and body. People with PRS often have triangular and prematurely aged faces with pointy nose.

Lizzie has a brother Chris, 12, and a sister Marina, 15, who are both normal.She was born four weeks prematurely – weighing just 2lb 10oz.

Lizzie’s parents said: “They told us they had no idea how she could have survived. They told us she would never be able to walk, talk or have a normal life. We had to buy dolls’ clothes from the toy store because baby clothes were too big.”

Despite what her appearance might suggest, Lizzie’s brain, bones, internal organs… developed normally, but she nearly died twice: once when her appendix ruptured at 16 and another time at 19, because her blood cells were not multiplying properly (she was critically anemic).Lizzie was born with two brown eyes, but when she was four, her right eye began to change of color and she became blind from that eye.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Innovative energy

In this video, French researchers try to identify the sweetest of trees with a high sugar
content to produce a fruitful harvest of biofuels.
Meanwhile in Spain CO2 from a cement factory is sucked up by algae leading to the mass production of bio petroleum.
Finally how green are the latest shiny engines to hit the road?
They avoid polluting petrol but nonetheless need powerplants many still fueled by coal to run.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes

Ben Underwood lost his vision due to cancer at a very young age. The miraculous thing is that you wouldn’t know he’s blind. He can do pretty much anything without assistance. Ben is able to sense sound waves as they bounce off of objects. He makes a short clicking noise and hears the echos that return. He is the only known blind human to have an ability this precise.

Source- You tube

How to hide videos from a Blackberry

When hiding a picture, you can view the picture, select properties and check the Hidden box. Videos, on the other hand, cannot be hidden this way. You'll need to use the file explorer to first find your video, and you'll need to know exactly where it is on you BlackBerry.  The search feature in the explorer only searches the current folder, not all folders as with Universal Search.
From the Media folder or the media tab (where you can select Pictures, Videos, ringtones, etc.), open the menu and select Explore. Browse the folders on your BlackBerry or memory card to find your video. Videos taken with the BlackBerry's camera can be found in the folder Media Card\BlackBerry\videos.
Highlight your video, open the menu, and select Properties. Inside the File Explorer, the Properties window gains an extra option, the Hidden checkbox. Checking this box will immediately hide your video. To find it again inside the Explorer, open the menu and select Show All. Your hidden video will appear greyed out with grey text.
To unhide your video, simply repeat the process. In the File Explorer, highlight your video; open the menu; and select properties. Uncheck the Hidden box to make your video accessible again.

By- Joseph Holder

Friday, April 22, 2011

How To Install Windows 7/Vista From USB Drive [100% Tried & Tested]

This guide works 100% for Vista & Windows 7 unlike most of the guides out there. I have seen many sites/blogs that have “Install Vista from USB guide” but either with incomplete steps or not working guide. I have also seen some guides that don’t’ use proper commands in this guide. After spending many hours I have come up with this 100% working guide.

I just did this method on one of my friends machine and installed the new Windows 7 BETA. The main advantage is that by using USB drive you will be able to install Windows 7/Vista in just 15 minutes. You can also use this bootable USB drive on friend’s computer who doesn’t have a DVD optical drive.

The method is very simple and you can use without any hassles. Needless to say that your motherboard should support USB Boot feature to make use of the bootable USB drive.


*USB Flash Drive (Minimum 4GB)

*Windows 7 or Vista installation files.

Follow the below steps to create bootable Windows 7
/Vista USB drive using which you can install Windows 7/Vista easily.

1. Plug-in your USB flash drive to USB port and move all the contents from USB drive to a safe location on your system.

2. Open Command Prompt with admin rights. Use any of the below methods to open Command Prompt with admin rights.

*Type cmd in Start menu search box and hit Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter.


*Go to Start menu > All programs > Accessories, right click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

3. You need to know about the USB drive a little bit. Type in the following commands in the command prompt:

First type DISKPART and hit enter to see the below message.

Next type LIST DISK command and note down the Disk number (ex: Disk 1) of your USB flash drive. In the below screenshot my Flash Drive Disk no is Disk 1.

4. Next type all the below commands one by one. Here I assume that your disk drive no is “Disk 1”.If you have Disk 2 as your USB flash drive then use Disk 2.Refer the above step to confirm it.

So below are the commands you need to type and execute one by one:







(Format process may take few seconds)



Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it.

5. Next insert your Windows7/Vista DVD into the optical drive and check the drive letter of the DVD drive. In this guide I will assume that your DVD drive letter is “D” and USB drive letter is “H” (open my computer to know about it).

6. Maximize the minimized Command Prompt in the 4th step.Type the following command now:

D: CD BOOT and hit enter.Where “D” is your DVD drive letter.

CD BOOT and hit enter to see the below message.

7. Type another command given below to update the USB drive with BOOTMGR compatible code.


Where “H” is your USB drive letter. Once you enter the above command you will see the below message.

8. Copy your Windows 7/Vista DVD contents to the USB flash drive.

9. Your USB drive is ready to boot and install Windows 7/Vista. Only thing you need to change the boot priority at the BIOS to USB from the HDD or CD ROM drive. I won’t explain it as it’s just the matter the changing the boot priority or enabling the USB boot option in the BIOS.

Note: If you are not able to boot after following this guide means you haven’t set the BIOS priority to USB. If you got any problem in following this guide feel free to ask questions by leaving comment.

Taken From: Mobiplanet4m

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